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Registration of companies in Bulgaria


Usually the reasons for registration of companies in Bulgaria are as follows:


  • Tax Benefit. Taxes in Bulgaria are the most favourable in Europe. The corporative income tax, for example, is only 10% per year, and it is the lowest in EU. The flat tax on wages is also 10%. The value added tax is 20%.

  • Cost savings. The rental prices for an office, the salaries for well-trained staff, the daily cost of operation and maintenance of the office in Bulgaria are 5-6 times lower than in developed EU countries.


Lately a lot of business people register new companies in Bulgaria to take advantage of the favorable tax regime and low everyday costs to run a business here. But that's not all. Currently, many businessmen from non-EU countries also turned to us for registration of their new companies in Bulgaria, business consultation and collaboration. They аre well aware that entering the market in Bulgaria is entering the EU market at the lowest possible price. We propose to them:


  •  Analysis of clients’ needs and possibilities for local implementation

  •  Work-out of projects & business-plans for establishment and development of new business

  •  Implementation of all procedures for the establishment of new company in Bulgaria

  •  Settlement of relationships and introduction to possible partners

  •  Representation before the Bulgarian authorities

Human’s resources management


  • Analysis of needs and pre-selection of people required to be drawn into service

  • Selection of the staff and assessment of their skills

  • Teaching & training of the staff according to the needs of the company

  • Replacement and sustained training of the staff

Management of manufacturing process:


  • Complete analysis of operations and productivity increase

  • Quality control at every stage of a manufacturing process

  • Increase of operational effectiveness and optimization of functionality & production rates (augmentation of profitability, augmentation of productivity, etc.)

  • Creation of any kind of industrial & office applications

  • Management of distributors’ chain


Book-keeping & legal services:


  • Accomplishment of any kind of such services


Our customers come back to us year after year to improve their investment, sales and marketing operations. We also take on activities that we can operate more effectively and at lower cost. What is more, we emphasize on your project and we get it done quickly. We understand that, as an investor, you need to get things done right now to meet your commitments and these of your customers. We are here to meet your deadlines. We also propose a cost effective solution - we are here when you need us, we get the project done and then we can support it all the way up, if necessary. We understand your need to reduce costs and we are there with ideas and with new projects to help you.   

Many pretend to be the best, but we’re always trying to be!

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