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Our Prices


It is obvious that for most Services we cannot give prices in advance, given that management services and different types of strategies, including asymmetric ones, are highly variable in scope, purpose and specificity for different types of business. The prices for this kind of Services are upon request on

We don’t calculate our fees per hour, because you cannot know how many hours we spent on work, but you can count easily the pages. That’s why you pay for what you get - business idea, marketing research, business plan, presentation, leaflets, social networking, etc.

So, we propose some basic business consultation fees:

Business idea as business project from € 179.99 cost per page (CPP),

PowerPoint presentation from € 79.99 CPP,

Marketing researches from € 69.99 CPP and

Business plans from € 59.99 CPP - with no hidden fees & taxes.

You can mail us on or in the Contact form on our site for a free, no-obligation consultation, so that we can discuss your precise requirements, and remember – to be a businessman means to be smart and to have courage and will.



Many pretend to be the best, but we’re always trying to be!

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