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Support is what every business needs most. It is not enough for either the investor or for us to create a company in Bulgaria, and then leave it in the care of the owner, often having difficulties abroad even just for the language barrier. We also provide shareholdings in new businesses in Bulgaria or abroad, at request, in which we ourselves participate, having confidence in our investment analysis and our overall consulting know-how. Furthermore, we offer not only the registration of a company in Bulgaria, but real estate for that company, its customers and owners, as well as property management. To the producers of goods and services we offer also market entry in other countries.


Support services are a very important part of our activities, dedicated to the development of your business! We can not only register your company in Bulgaria, but we will support it all the way of flourishing and beyond. You'll agree that it is not enough to be only registered – your company has to move forward. So you can be sure for all of the following services, listed further down, and for many other things.


So, along with the registration of new company and all other attendant services, we can propose:





Participation in new businesses


  • Customer-tailored search for attractive and profitable projects

  • Legalization of necessary documents for participation in new projects & companies (financial participation, purchasing shares, protection of interests, rights & legal guarantees, etc.)

  • Representation and defense of interests regarding other shareholders in a particular company

  • Any kind of support and protection concerning every service mentioned above


Investment strategies


  • Elaboration of long & short term strategies

  • Elaboration of investment criteria (fundamentals, marketing situation, fields and possibilities to invest, ROI analysis, etc.)

  • Complete analysis of a particular company (in case of privatization or acquiring of stake) and elaboration of analytic coefficients to make an investment decision

  • Creation and management of any kinds of investment funds


Market entry in other countries


  • Detailed analysis of the actual situation and entire conjuncture of the target markets

  • Elaboration of new market entry strategies for a particular target market

  • Search and unveiling of production problems for lack of products & services to meet the needs

  • Implementation of market entry strategies and winning a market share

  • Export of goods & services





Advertising is essential for any successful business - but only if it is done effectively. Although it takes time and money to create, a good advertising campaign will bring you more money by familiarizing more people with your product or service, increasing sales and brand loyalty. There are many things to consider when it comes to advertising, but it's also a creative process which gives your business a chance to show its best side! Do not worry – we’ll identify your target customers and the best ways to reach them. And don’t try to please everybody. In order to please everybody, your ad will be pretty impersonal and this approach rarely is successful, so let us do our work!

Many pretend to be the best, but we’re always trying to be!

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